Moment Johnson

Blurbs from a Travel Writer

Traveling Writer

We all have different dreams in life. Mine is to be able to travel the world while writing books. The quiet solitude that can be traveling mixed with the adventures of exploration, meeting interesting people, and exploring new places encourages me to have an active, poetic mind. In this reality, inspiration is everywhere and the words flow more easily. The open road is my muse and a 9 to 5 my demise.

While traveling, I enjoy a simple life. Living out of a car. Camping in the forest. Building fires. Meeting new friends. Helping people with their projects, gardens, and homesteads. Engaging in inspirational, spiritual, stimulating conversations. Or just quietly sitting by the river, simply in awe. Photographing our beautiful world.

There are many opportunities to live somewhere for free in exchange for work. I thoroughly enjoy this. Helping someone with their dream, building and beautifying properties and gardens. Connecting, building, learning and growing. Unfortunately though, money still comes into play. Money for food, water, car insurance, and gas in the tank to keep traveling.

I love writing. Sharing my perspective. Telling a story in a way that (hopefully) engages even the non-reader. Short excerpts about a beautiful place. Passing thoughts on current affairs. Children’s books that include lessons, humor and education. I envision my perfect life as some kind of a gypsy. Moving around, selling books, offering trade, and helping where I can in the form of physical labor or simply an open heart and quiet ear.

This blog contains different writings on a multitude of things during my travels.  But for now, my travels have slowed greatly. For now I have a home with a heater and a job with a commitment. I am using this time for self-reflection and growth. To face, deal with, and work through my anxiety and fears. It is easy to be at peace on the road. It’s easy to see the beautiful, recognize interconnection, and embrace the spirit on the road. It is in the day to day, lost in a job, in the mundane, in a city surrounded by buildings and people where I have struggled. So it is here, in this darkness, where I will find my light.

I hope you enjoy my posts and if you feel inspired to help me continue to pursue my dreams of travel and writing, please visit Amazon or Etsy to purchase one or more of my books or check out my author page at You can also simply leave a donation through paypal if you feel inclined. All contributions are greatly appreciated!


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